Trigger Point Injection Side Effects in Pikesville, MD

Trigger Point Injections in Pikesville, MD

Exploring Trigger Point Injections

Chronic pain can be debilitating, affecting your physical health, mental well-being, and quality of life. That’s why at Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions, we are proud to offer a range of pain relief treatments, including our minimally invasive and highly effective trigger point injections.

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Man suffering from back pain, illustrating the need for orthotics in Pikesville, MDTrigger point injections are a non-surgical pain relief treatment administered by injection into the targeted trigger points in a patient’s muscles in various areas across the body, including the neck and back. Trigger point injections reduce tension and instantly relax the muscles to promote pain relief and comfort.

Benefits of Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections are highly effective and offer a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Instant pain relief
  • Low-risk with minimal side effects
  • Minimally invasive with virtually no recovery period
  • A versatile pain solution that can be used for a variety of pain symptoms

What to Expect After Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections in Pikesville, MDTrigger point injections offer prompt treatment time and no required downtime. Following the injection, patients are asked to remain under observation for up to 30 minutes to ensure no adverse reactions. Once discharged, patients may use ice packs to alleviate soreness around the injection site or inflammation, and stretching is encouraged.

Are Trigger Point Injections Painful?

 If you’re considering trigger point injections, you may wonder if trigger point injections hurt. The injection may feel similar to the sensation of the needle used when having your blood drawn, but they are generally well tolerated by patients. After your treatment, you may feel mild soreness or inflammation.

 What Is Used in Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger point injections are a combination of several medications used to relax and relieve muscle discomfort and pain. Based on the severity of the patient’s pain and symptoms, the following may be used:

  • Numbing medication, such as lidocaine
  • A combination of steroids and numbing medication
  • Corticosteroids or regular saline
  • Botox injections
  • Dry needling

Do Trigger Point Injections Work?

A muscle impacted by trigger points loses its ability to relax, making movements or touch uncomfortable. Trigger point injections with numbing medications make the pain sensation dormant. When trigger point injections are combined with corticosteroids, they can soothe the muscles and alleviate spasms and inflammation, and when combined with Botox, they paralyze the muscle.

Conditions Treated With Trigger Point Injections

Several medical conditions can be treated with the use of trigger point injections, either on their own or in combination with other forms of therapy or treatment, including:

  • Trigger point syndrome pain
  • Myofascial pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neck and lower back pain
  • Tension headaches

How Is a Trigger Point Injection Administered?

 Trigger point injections are administered to a patient while seated or in a reclining position. Our medical professionals will clean and numb the skin before injecting the numbing medication or combination of numbing, steroid, or Botox medication into the area of concern. A patient may receive more than one injection per appointment.

How Long Do Trigger Point Injections Last?

 Trigger point injections provide instant relief. However, the final results may take 2-3 days. The pain relief provided by trigger point injections may last anywhere from several days to several months, depending on the patient’s trigger point injection medication combination and their current pain condition.

Quick and Convenient Treatment Time

 Trigger point injections offer a prompt and convenient treatment time. A typical trigger point injection appointment takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the number of trigger point injections you pursue. The quick treatment time and the lack of downtime required to make trigger point injections a favorable solution for pain relief.

Safe and Effective Pain Relief

 Trigger point injections are highly effective and safe, offering patients a low-risk alternative to conventional pain relief methods. The results of trigger point injections are instantaneous, and the treatment does not require downtime, allowing patients to feel great and get back to their usual routine without needing to carve out recovery time following their appointment.

Minimally Invasive

 Trigger point injections are minimally invasive as simple injections require no surgical procedures. This allows patients to let go of their worries about scarring and anesthesia, alleviating anxiety and making them feel comfortable when arriving at Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions for their trigger point injection treatment.

Let’s Discuss Your Trigger Point Injections Treatment Today

 If you’re looking for an effective, minimally invasive method to restore your muscle function and alleviate pain symptoms, don’t look up “trigger point injections near me,” as Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions is here to accommodate you. Contact us today to learn how trigger point injections can benefit you.