Effective Weight Loss Programs in Pikesville, MD

Medical Weight Loss by Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions

At Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions, our team has delivered Pikesville, MD with innovative medical weight loss programs for over three decades. Our wellness center is known for going above and beyond to address our patients’ underlying health issues and pain. We have years of experience helping patients overcome obstacles concerning their weight, and we make sure to set you up with the knowledge and tools necessary to feel great in your body. Weight loss is a unique process for each person. We make sure to take this into account when working with you to achieve your ideal body goals. Learn more about our medical weight loss program and how our team can help you reach a healthy weight for your body type.

Our Approach to Weight Loss

Though you may not know it, weight loss is an essential step toward better health. If you have difficulties losing weight and keeping it off for good, we can help. Weight loss can be challenging for several reasons. Often, we find that weight gain is outside of a person’s control – like in cases of underlying health problems and hormonal imbalances. By committing to the holistic weight-loss approach of Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions, you will overcome your main weight-loss obstacles to see real, lasting results. Our Pikesville, MD practice provides a wide range of medical services, including weight loss programs for all types of weight management goals. We understand that weight loss can be a physical and emotional process that requires compassionate, professional support. We will support you by:

  • Putting together a weight loss plan that honors your unique body and health goals
  • Offering medical assistance to modify your weight in conjunction with proper diet and exercise
  • Introducing healthy practices that make it easier to maintain ideal weight for your body type

The Benefits of Our Medical Weight Loss Program

When it comes to weight loss, you have many different options. You might try to go at it on your own, explore a guided weight loss program, or seek programs offering the fastest results. When it comes to medical weight loss at our wellness clinic, you can expect to see gradual results that last. Our caring professionals will be with you every step of the way to keep you on track and hold you accountable. We give you the support you need, ensuring you maintain the confidence and momentum necessary to reach your health goals. If you encounter hurdles or weight loss plateaus along the way, our professionals will help you adapt your program to your changing needs. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of choosing our practice for medical weight loss services:

  • Customized Planning – As a chiropractic and wellness clinic, our team will take a look at the bigger picture surrounding your health, lifestyle, and activity level before recommending a diet and exercise program. With the help of our professionals, your medical weight loss program will remain tailored to your needs even as you begin seeing numbers fall on the scale. Unlike other diet programs, our medical weight loss services will take your unique body needs and preferences into account, so you can stay on track and maintain results that work best for you.
  • Professional Supervision – When you rely on our professionals for medical weight loss, you’ll have full access to a professionally supervised program. Every aspect is carefully planned and monitored in a judge-free environment, so your weight loss journey is supported from start to finish. You’ll never be shamed for lack of progress or the need to take things at your own pace. This program is designed to get you to a healthy weight in your own way, and you’ll have support from our team all the way.
  • Lasting results – In many cases, fad diets and other mainstream weight loss programs prove to be unsuccessful at delivering sustainable results. That’s because gaining and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t just a fad, and what works for one body certainly should not be expected to work for all bodies. The real problem with diets is that results are not always sustainable, so the weight is gained right back. We’ll introduce a healthier way to approach weight loss so you can enjoy a manageable weight and healthy life.

Poster Displaying a Comprehensive Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss Programs that Meet Your Needs

As you begin to follow new dietary habits, we might also start you on a custom exercise regimen. This may include physical therapy or spinal adjustments to reduce the chances of injuries and ensure optimal muscle tone. Your safety and comfort are of utmost importance, and our staff is highly skilled at learning your unique needs to deliver the individualized weight loss programs that are best for your body. To support your health even further, we may also recommend medications like B12 injections. This is a great way to supplement your weight loss efforts by increasing your energy and boosting your metabolism. Our doctors are renowned in the Pikesville, MD area for their healthy weight loss solutions, and we take pride in giving people the support they need to improve their quality of life. To schedule a weight loss consultation at Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions, call our office today.


Medical Weight Loss Program by Fidel Integrated Medical Solutions in Baltimore, MD
Before Medical Weight Loss Program start


Happy Woman Showing Her Slim Figure After Successful Weight Loss Program
Result after Medical Weight Loss Program

Let’s Get Started

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